Celestin Apprentice 5
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Grant's CGI Framework 1.0b14
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436 lines
* Startup.c
* If you want to exclude CGI or ListSTAR support, remove the appropriate lines
* from the 'StartupApplication' function.
* This is a support file for "Grant's CGI Framework".
* Please see the license agreement that accompanies the distribution package
* for licensing details.
* Copyright ©1995,1996 by Grant Neufeld
* grant@acm.com
* http://arpp.carleton.ca/grant/
#include "MyConfiguration.h"
#include <Threads.h>
#include <Traps.h>
#include "compiler_stuff.h"
#include "constants.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "AboutBox.h"
#include "AEFunc.h"
#include "AEHandlers.h"
#include "CGI.h"
#include "ErrorUtil.h"
#include "EventUtil.h"
#include "ListSTAR.h"
#include "LogUtil.h"
#include "MemoryUtil.h"
#include "MenuFunc.h"
#include "ProcessUtil.h"
#include "SplashScreen.h"
#include "StringUtil.h"
#include "Version.h"
#include "Startup.h"
#define TrapMask 0x0800
#define kGestaltMask 1L
/* window info */
#define kScreenBorder 4 /* pixels */
#define kIconSize 32
static void startupErrors ( void );
static void startupGestalt ( void );
static void startupEvent ( void );
static void startupAE ( void );
#if kCompileWithForeground
static void startupMenus ( void );
static void startupWindows ( void );
static void startupQuickDraw ( void );
#if kCompileWithDragNDrop
static void startupDrag ( void );
/* make the interface function prototypes null */
#define startupMenus()
#define startupWindows()
#define startupQuickDraw()
#endif /* kCompileWithForeground */
static Boolean startupTrapAvailable ( unsigned long );
static TrapType startupTrapType ( unsigned long );
/*** FUNCTIONS ***/
StartupApplication ( void )
OSErr theErr;
/* moved to ProcessStartup() */
// gSleepTicks = kSleepTicks;
// gFrontProcess = ProcessCurrentIsFront ();
// #if kCompileWithProcessFileSpec
// ProcessGetMyFSSpec ( &gProcessFSSpec );
// #endif
ProcessStartup ();
startupErrors ();
VersionGetShort ( 1, gVersionStr ); /* must be before splash screen */
LogStartup (); /* set up the log file */
SplashScreenCreate (); /* put up splash screen */
startupGestalt (); /* must be before all Manager inits except toolbox and memory */
startupEvent ();
startupAE ();
startupMenus ();
ThreadStartup ();
startupWindows (); /* must be after startupMenus */
startupQuickDraw ();
#if kCompileWithDragNDrop
startupDrag ();
AboutBoxInit ();
#if kCompileWithQuitOnLongIdle
gDoIdleQuit = true; /* quit after given period of idle time */
gTimeLastAction = nil; /* no action has been performed yet */
gIdleTimeToQuit = kIdleTimeToQuit;
gDoIdleQuitOnOpenApp = kCompileWithIdleQuitOnOpenApp;
theErr = InitCGIUtil (); /* CGI Specific */
if ( theErr != noErr )
ErrorStartup ( kerrStartupCGI );
theErr = InitListSTARUtil (); /* ListSTAR Specific */
if ( theErr != noErr )
ErrorStartup ( kerrStartupListSTAR );
/* • the result of this call should be checked to see whether
initialization was successful */
theErr = CustomStartup ();
if ( theErr != noErr )
ErrorStartup ( kerrStartupCustomInit );
SplashScreenDispose (); /* remove splash screen */
} /* StartupApplication */
/*** Initialization Functions ***/
#pragma mark -
/* Initialize default string for system errors */
static void
startupErrors ( void )
StringHandle tempStr;
/* set system error default string */
gSystemErrorStr = (StringHandle) MemoryNewHandle ( sizeof(Str255), NULL );
if ( gSystemErrorStr == NULL )
HLockHi ( (Handle)gSystemErrorStr );
tempStr = GetString ( krErrSystemDefault );
if ( tempStr == NULL )
StringPascalCopy ( (char *)ksErrSystemDefault, (char *)(*gSystemErrorStr) );
HLock ( (Handle)tempStr );
StringPascalCopy ( (char *)(*tempStr), (char *)(*gSystemErrorStr) );
HUnlock ( (Handle)tempStr );
ReleaseResource ( (Handle)tempStr );
HUnlock ( (Handle)gSystemErrorStr );
} /* startupErrors */
/* Determine if the Gestalt manager is available */
static void
startupGestalt ( void )
Boolean gestaltAvail;
/* determine whether the Gestalt call is available */
gestaltAvail = startupTrapAvailable ( _Gestalt );
if ( !gestaltAvail )
/* Gestalt require for application to work, inform the user and exit */
ErrorStartup ( kerrStartupGestalt );
} /* startupGestalt */
/* Determine if WaitNextEvent trap is available. */
static void
startupEvent ( void )
OSErr theErr;
SysEnvRec theSysEnv; /* system environment */
Boolean WNEAvail;
/* what are we running on here (System 4.1 or greater) */
theErr = SysEnvirons ( 1, &theSysEnv );
if ( theErr != noErr )
/* can't figure out what the system environment is,
inform the user and exit this application */
ErrorStartup ( kerrStartupSysEnv );
/* is WaitNextEvent implemented? - from Macintosh Tech Note #158 */
if ( theSysEnv.machineType > envMachUnknown )
WNEAvail = NGetTrapAddress(0x60, ToolTrap) != NGetTrapAddress(0x9F, ToolTrap);
WNEAvail = false;
if ( !WNEAvail )
/* WaitNextEvent trap is missing - can't run */
ErrorStartup ( kerrStartupWNE );
} /* startupEvent */
/* Determine if Apple Event Manager is present and install handlers */
static void
startupAE ( void )
long feature;
OSErr theErr;
theErr = Gestalt ( gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &feature );
if ( (theErr != noErr) ||
!(feature & (kGestaltMask << gestaltAppleEventsPresent)) )
/* Apple Events not available, inform the user and exit */
ErrorStartup ( kerrStartupAppleEvent );
gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleProc ( AEFuncAEIdleFunc );
theErr = AEInstallHandlers ();
if ( theErr != noErr )
ErrorSystem ( theErr );
} /* startupAE */
/* setup menus */
#if kCompileWithForeground
static void
startupMenus ( void )
Handle theMenuBar;
theMenuBar = GetNewMBar ( kmMenuBarID );
if ( theMenuBar == NULL )
/* can't load menu bar */
ErrorStartup ( kerrStartupMenu );
SetMenuBar ( theMenuBar );
gmAppleMenu = GetMHandle ( kmAppleMenuID );
/* add "Apple Menu Items" to the Apple menu */
AddResMenu ( gmAppleMenu, 'DRVR' );
gmFileMenu = GetMHandle ( kmFileMenuID );
gmEditMenu = GetMHandle ( kmEditMenuID );
DrawMenuBar ();
} /* startupMenus */
#endif /* kCompileWithForeground */
/* Determine the space available on the main and other monitors */
#if kCompileWithForeground
static void
startupWindows ( void )
short resW;
short resH;
short menuBarHeight;
RgnHandle grayRgnHdl;
Rect grayRgnBounds;
/* get screen dimensions */
resW = qd.screenBits.bounds.right - qd.screenBits.bounds.left;
resH = qd.screenBits.bounds.bottom - qd.screenBits.bounds.top;
menuBarHeight = LMGetMBarHeight ();
/* gScreenRect is the size of the main screen, inset by a margin */
SetRect ( &gScreenRect, kScreenBorder, menuBarHeight + kScreenBorder,
resW - kScreenBorder, resH - kScreenBorder );
/* get entire gray rgn rect (the size of all monitors) */
grayRgnHdl = GetGrayRgn (); /* known as the 'gray region' */
grayRgnBounds = (*grayRgnHdl)->rgnBBox; /* the bounding box for the region */
resW = grayRgnBounds.right - grayRgnBounds.left;
resH = grayRgnBounds.bottom - grayRgnBounds.top;
/* this rect encompasses all of the monitor desktop space,
minus the menu bar and inset by a margin. We'll use this
rectangle to limit dragging and resizing windows */
SetRect ( &gGrayRgnRect,
/* left */ kScreenBorder,
/* top */ menuBarHeight + kScreenBorder,
/* right */ resW - kScreenBorder,
/* bottom */ resH - kScreenBorder );
} /* startupWindows */
#endif /* kCompileWithForeground */
/* QuickDraw - Graphics */
#if kCompileWithForeground
static void
startupQuickDraw ( void )
OSErr theErr;
long feature;
long version;
gHasColorQD = false;
theErr = Gestalt ( gestaltQuickdrawFeatures, &feature );
if ( theErr == noErr )
theErr = Gestalt ( gestaltQuickdrawVersion, &version );
if ( (theErr == noErr) &&
((feature & (kGestaltMask << gestaltHasColor)) != nil) &&
(version >= gestalt8BitQD) )
gHasColorQD = true;
} /* startupQuickDraw */
#endif /* kCompileWithForeground */
/* Drag Manager - interapplication drag'n'drop */
#if kCompileWithDragNDrop
static void
startupDrag ( void )
long feature;
OSErr theErr;
theErr = Gestalt ( gestaltDragMgrAttr, &feature );
if ( (theErr == noErr) &&
(feature & (kGestaltMask << gestaltDragMgrPresent)) )
gHasDragNDrop = true;
gHasDragNDrop = false;
} /* startupAE */
#pragma mark -
/* Determine if a trap is available */
static Boolean
startupTrapAvailable ( unsigned long trap )
UniversalProcPtr theInitGrafAddr;
UniversalProcPtr theAA6EAddr;
Boolean trapAddrMatch;
unsigned long numToolBoxTraps;
TrapType theTrapType;
unsigned long theTrapMasked;
theInitGrafAddr = NGetTrapAddress ( _InitGraf, ToolTrap );
theAA6EAddr = NGetTrapAddress ( 0xAA6E, ToolTrap );
trapAddrMatch = theInitGrafAddr == theAA6EAddr;
if ( trapAddrMatch )
numToolBoxTraps = 0x200;
numToolBoxTraps = 0x400;
theTrapType = startupTrapType ( trap );
if ( theTrapType == ToolTrap )
theTrapMasked = trap & 0x07FF;
if ( theTrapMasked >= numToolBoxTraps )
return false;
return NGetTrapAddress ( _Unimplemented, ToolTrap ) !=
NGetTrapAddress ( trap, theTrapType );
} /* startupTrapAvailable */
/* determine the type of the trap */
static TrapType
startupTrapType ( unsigned long theTrap )
/* OS traps start with A0, Tool with A8 or AA. */
if ( (theTrap & 0x0800) == nil )
return OSTrap;
return ToolTrap;
} /* startupTrapType */
/***** EOF *****/